FAQ Medical Experts in Hair Restoration
Discover what you can achieve with hair restoration treatment
Medical Experts in Hair Restoration
Discover what you can achieve with hair restoration treatment
Hair Loss and Restoration Treatment (General)
There are many reasons for hair loss. Androgenetic Alopecia (AA) is the most common cause of hair loss in men and women. It is genetic. In AA, DHT (a testosterone derivative) attacks hair follicles, resulting in miniaturization and alopecia. In certain areas of the head, the cells around hair shafts have more 5-alpha reductase (the enzyme that makes DHT). As a result, these areas have more DHT and generally demonstrate greater loss.
No. Although the cosmetic benefit can be dramatic a hair transplant by nature involves the relocation of existing hair. Within the transplant zone density is less than density of the donor area. As such the goal of replacing all the hair that is absent from an area is usually impossible (unless the involved area is quite small).
Fortunately, the appearance of full or at least substantial coverage can be obtained by the introduction of a smaller number of hairs into the affected area(s) provided they are artistically arranged to create an optimal cosmetic effect. Capital Hair Restoration has the technological proficiency to provide density [hairs per unit area] on par with industry leaders and is unsurpassed in the even more important area of creative artistry.
Yes. Because we assure the highest standards of consultation and surgical skill, the only reason a transplant is not successful is if the patient does not follow the pre and post procedure instructions. We will carefully outline the do's and don'ts pre and post treatment. Most importantly we will stress to patients not to cause any trauma to the transplant area.
The way in which the hairs are extracted and implanted.
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a minimally Invasive hair transplant procedure performed under local anaesthetic. Individual hair follicles are harvested from the donor site at the back of the head using a tiny 0.8 - 1mm punch which creates an incision around the top of the follicle and extracts them directly from the scalp. The FUE method allows our surgeon to complete the procedure without leaving any linear scarring.
With FUE your donor area is shaven prior to the procedure and once the Follicular units have been harvested, our surgeon will then artistically create tiny incisions in the recipient area to replicate your natural direction of hair growth. Finally, the donor follicular units are placed into the open incisions to complete the procedure.
Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) involves making an incision from the back of one ear to the back of the other ear and removing a strip of skin 1cm-1.5cm in height from the back of the scalp. This strip can contain thousands of individual hair follicles which are dissected individually from the strip and prepared for transplantation.
Our surgeon will then create tiny incisions into the recipient area and will then place the donor follicular units into these incisions with the aid of their surgical team to complete the procedure.
- FUE is less invasive than FUT.
- Recovery time is shorter with FUE.
- FUE involves no linear scarring in the donor area.
- You can keep very short hair styles with FUE (but not with FUT).
- FUT may be better for people with longer hairstyles as the donor area will not need to be shaven.
- FUE reduces density in the donor area for possible future treatments; FUT does not.
No. Male pattern hair loss is genetic in nature and can begin as early as the second decade of life. Medical therapy designed to ward off future hair loss can begin as early as a young man reaches maturity and begins to exhibit early signs of hair loss. Capital Hair Restoration’s philosophy revolves around establishing contact early with patients experiencing or destined to experience hair loss so that educational efforts can begin to establish a thorough understanding of the nature of hair loss and medical and surgical options for managing this condition. Surgical intervention can begin early provided the patient understands the importance of concomitant medical therapy and the implications of early intervention in a condition that is often progressive over many decades of time. Again, Capital Hair Restoration’s physicians are experts in assessing the future evolution of male pattern balding and designing a restoration program to optimise someone’s appearance today as well as into the future.
Yes. Graft survival and growth following transplantation is limited by tissue oxygenation, not blood supply as is commonly perceived. Today’s most refined technology of microscopic FUT or FUE allows oxygen to easily diffuse to the small one to four hair grafts contained within the follicular units. The blood supply of the scalp is among the richest in the entire body which enables it to support the growth of large numbers of grafts provided that they are small in size.
No, a transplant will not prevent further loss outside the transplant area. We consider this when planning a surgery. You can decrease the rate at which you lose hair by taking adjunctive medical therapy, which may include other hair loss prevention products.
All the hair loss information you need, customized to your particular hair loss pattern, can be quickly obtained by completing a self-assessment or booking a free consultation.
Yes, but it should be clipped on and not attached with glue or another adhesive. Tape can be used in the front, but only so long as it is lower than the level of the grafts and will not interfere with the transplanted hair.
There are a few low-risk complications that can occur. However, today’s hair restoration surgery is very safe and complications of any form are a rarity. Infection is virtually unheard of provided one adheres to postoperative instructions. An adverse or allergic reaction to the local anaesthesia is possible through practically never encountered. Ingrown hairs can occur when the hair first begins to emerge from the scalp. These are a minor nuisance and will resolve completely. Postoperatively patients experience transient numbness in the donor region which abates within weeks. This is a normal consequence of the procedure. Swelling involving the forehead and in extreme instances the whole of the face can occur following a hair transplant; particularly one focused upon the hairline or the front of the head. If swelling occurs it begins the day following the surgery and resolves within the first five days postoperatively in most instances.
No. Your body would reject someone else’s hair just like any medical transplant.
Yes. Hair can most certainly be transplanted into skin affected by scarring – either that resulting from surgical trauma or other injury. Some adjustments are made when transplanting scarred areas such as decreasing the density of grafts placed per session. However repeat sessions are possible and often density values resulting in significant coverage and camouflage can be achieved.
Yes, provided the surgery is done correctly. The amount of hair needed for an average large session is well within the safe limits of what can be removed. It is the experience and judgment of the surgeon that will ensure that the amount of hair that is harvested from the donor area is safe and appropriate for the planned session.
Preparing for the procedure
No. However, the vast majority of men and many women are fair to excellent candidates. There are many factors that we assess before confirming your suitability for hair restoration. The answer to this question can only be determined by a professional consultation with one of our Dr’s or consultants. Our highly experienced team will provide you with a thorough examination to analyse your type and degree of hair loss. At the conclusion of this complimentary consultation advice will be provided outlining the best medical and surgical options.
Most men and women in good general health are candidates for hair transplantation. In order to accurately determine one’s candidacy, a complimentary private consultation is recommended.
Yes, consultations are arranged at your convenience and are always free.
45 mins to 1hr. This is sufficient time for us to asses your hair restoration needs.
This is dependent on your hair loss and the location of your treatment. The cost of the procedure is in the thousands of pounds but the particulars can be discussed with you at your consultation.
With FUE, the hair should NOT be shorter than 2mm long when you arrive at the clinic
With FUT, hair length prior to a procedure should be sufficiently long in the donor area (½ inch or longer) to allow hair from above the donor incision to drape down and cover the sutured area upon completion of the transplant.
Shorter cuts are allowed provided the patient is willing to have the surgical wound on display for the ten days the sutures are in place. Hair length within the recipient zone can be cut to the patient’s preferred length. Shorter lengths make the work of managing the hair during the procedure easier and longer styles offer greater ease of concealing the worksite for the week or so that there is visible evidence of the procedure.
Sometimes. In some cases it is beneficial to the treatment, we will assess this within your consultation.
This is ultimately your personal choice. If you are open to considering a treatment abroad we will outline the pros and cons for you at your initial consultation. We assess many factors before recommending a procedure abroad. The most suitable candidates for this option are men who require large FUE treatments (over 2500 grafts) and who are on a limited budget. We offer a range of unique services for those people considering a hair transplant abroad including our platinum treatment package.
No; we work very hard to meet the expectations of our patients. Some have unrealistic expectations or do not understand how a transplant is going to look once it has developed. Our surgeons have great experience in designing natural hairlines according to age, race, and gender. More importantly, they understand how they will look once they have grown in. Hair line expectations will be clarified in your initial consultation before you commit to a procedure. Unlike the unnatural looking hair plugs of old, Capital Hair Restoration specialise in creating natural looking hairlines. The best way to see what your hairline might look like is through a consultation with a professional from Capital Hair Restoration.
The Procedure
After arriving at one of our CQC registered clinics you will be greeted by your consultant or the clinic manager. You will be provided with a consent form to complete. The operating surgeon will then confirm your final procedure plan and hair line design (which would have already been discussed and agreed by you in your initial consultation.) The operating surgeon will also answer any final questions that you may have and any outstanding balance that you have will be taken.
Once you are ready to begin, you will be taken to the surgical room where you will change into a surgical gown and your donor area is prepared for the extraction. You will be provided with a mild oral sedative to help you relax. You will be laid face down on the surgical bed and once comfortable, local anaesthesia will be administered into the donor site.
Once the scalp is numb, the team will begin the extraction phase of the procedure either with the FUE or FUT method. Once this is completed, there will be a short toilet break and your recipient area will then be prepared. The Dr performs the key step of creating the recipient sites for the grafts which determines their location, density and growth direction.
There will then be a break for lunch which we will provide. You can use the toilet and spend some time with anyone who may have come with you to support you during the treatment.
Once you have finished lunch, the team will place the individual donor grafts into the recipient sites to complete the procedure.
Throughout the lengthy procedure, patients are allowed to watch movies, listen to music or rest quietly. At the end of the transplant procedure, the Dr or your consultant will explain the post-operative instructions with you. If you live locally, patients are able to drive themselves home at the end of the day although many opt to have a friend or family member drive them home. Capital Hair Restoration can provide a taxi service as part of your treatment package in certain circumstances
No, your may experience a small amount of pain while the anaesthetic is being administered, otherwise the surgery is pain free.
Several hours. The exact time is dependant on the size of the procedure.
Post Procedure and Results
It’s up to you! This decision is dependant on your working environment. Office based work can return as soon as a week, where as more physical jobs should consider a 2 week minimum.
A week to ten days in the donor area. Two weeks in the transplanted area. Of course, there is some variation from individual to individual.
Avoid scratching as much as possible. If you are unable to cope you can apply tee tree oil, or something to sooth the scalp (please consult us prior to use of any products).
No. This is simply the start of the shedding phase where up to 70% of the transplanted hair falls out, but don't panic this is part of the treatment process. The follicles are becoming active under the skin and will grow new hairs when established.
Shock loss involves the grafted area shedding hair, and it can occur post transplant. However, it is expected to grow back within six weeks after the procedure, therefore this situation is only a temporary state.
This is where the transplanted follicles are settling into the scalp and shed up to 70-80% of the old hairs. They then begin attaching to blood lines and grow new, permanent hairs in their place.
After the healing process. When the healing phase has passed then it is suitable to use products on your hair. However be careful as some may cause unnecessary irritation and inflammation to the scalp.
No. It is best for the development of the treatment for you not to shave or use low grade clippers on the transplanted site within the first 6 months. A grade 3 cut or a scissors-over-comb cut is acceptable. Clippers can be used on the donor site as soon as this is healed although it may cause some irritation and inflammation.
The first signs of progress are at the end of the shedding phase, this is around 3-4 months post treatment. you will experience up to 60-70% growth at the 6 months mark and full result around 12 months post treatment.
Yes, skilled transplantation will be detectable only under a microscope or to a trained professional. The only people who know will be those you tell.
Hair loss surgery has advanced hugely in recent years and procedures facilitated by Capital Hair Restoration will always be of artistic and scientific excellence carried out by highly experienced surgeons and professional surgical teams.
Yes. Light hair on light skin has minimal contrast and results in a very natural look. Dark, thick hair on light skin is the most surgically challenging. This is true when dealing with either men’s or women’s hair loss. Curly or wavy hair can also give the appearance of greater density. When styling, it is better to part the hair to one side. This will create a layering effect and the appearance of greater density.
Density is a function of hair shaft thickness and number of hairs. One thousand thin hairs do not appear as dense as one thousand thick hairs. The appearance of thickness or density will depend on how you style your hair, how much existing hair you have, how much hair you continue to lose outside the transplant area, and how big the area is that you wish to transplant into.
Completely bald patients need to understand that, when they had full heads of hair, there were about 60,000 hairs on the portion of the head into which we usually transplant and about 30,000 hairs when they began to notice they were thinning. If you transplant 2,500 follicular units, you will get about 6,000 hairs. If you spread these out over the entire head, you can imagine that it will not look as thick as when you had 60,000 hairs over the same area. Having said that, the results of this type of procedure can make a dramatic and positive impact on one’s appearance.
The transplanted hairs will last and grow forever. This is the result of harvesting follicular units from the permanent zone of hair in the back and sides of the scalp. This hair is genetically different than the hair on the top of the head and within the crown that is affected by the hormone DHT [the culprit in male hair loss responsible for miniaturization of the hair and eventual baldness]. When these ‘protected’ follicular units are transplanted they maintain their original immunity and thus grow as they would have within the donor area. This phenomenon is termed ‘donor dominance’ and though not entirely understood from a histochemical standpoint is the well-established foundation for hair transplantation that is now time tested over nearly fifty years.
The scalp will regain most of its original laxity through the process of skin remodelling following a hair transplant. The majority of this occurs within the first 6 to 8 months following a procedure. Scalp flexibility varies from individual to individual and this difference to an extent dictates the amount of hair that can be removed from the donor area over time. If an individual possesses a tight scalp the maximum harvest or yield is less than someone with a very flexible scalp (for a comparable density of hair). Even with multiple procedures patients rarely report lingering tightness unless their history includes scalp reductions or lift procedures.
At least six months, but a year is better. The scalp is sufficiently recuperated to allow a second procedure generally by the six-month mark following the previous surgery. The hair from the prior procedure has begun to grow at this point but has not yet reached full maturity. Therefore, if one is deliberating the need for an additional procedure, waiting until the year anniversary of the last procedure is generally advocated. Conversely if an individual knows confidently that they desire additional density or coverage, a second or repeat surgery can be scheduled as early as six months following the last procedure.
Procedures in Turkey
Several reasons. Many clinics in Turkey are able to cater for 5+ patients per day. This means that even though each patient is being charged less than in the UK, they are still taking in more or similar revenue to a UK clinic.
To cater for more patients, clinics in Turkey require more staff but the wages in Turkey for Hair Transplant Technicians are much lower. The surgeon advertised as the face of most clinics will not normally carry out any part of your procedure but will pay a large team of technicians to carry out multiple procedures per day (this is not the case with Capital Hair Restoration).
Overheads in general such as cost of property are cheaper in Turkey than in the UK. There is also much less legislation in Turkey meaning that clinics do not have to spend large sums of money on medical insurance and indemnity. This is why it is such a benefit to book your procedure securely with Capital Hair Restoration in the UK for your protection.
We offer a truly unique travel package, including traveling with you for the procedure.
With over 200 clinics in Istanbul alone, it can be almost impossible to decide which clinic will deliver the best results. Having researched the hair transplant market in Turkey for 10 years, Capital Hair Restoration have now secured a unique partnership with the best surgical team available.
There is simply not a more comprehensive service in hair restoration than Capital Hair Restoration's. Our Platinum package gives you a VIP service in which you will not need to lift a finger, where you can have complete confidence that you are getting the exact surgical team that have delivered the outstanding results that you see on our results page.
There are many clinics in Turkey where the advertised doctor will have little or no involvement in the procedure itself. You will be unaware of the experience of the technicians carrying out your procedure. Our trusted team will carry out each and every one of our patient’s procedures.
By booking your transplant with Capital Hair Restoration, we ensure that the recommended surgeon creates the incisions and his most skilled technicians carry out the extraction and Implantation under their watch. UK standards of care will be ensured. The same trusted team carries out each and every one of our procedures.
You will receive total clarification on what can be achieved for you with an FUE hair transplant prior to booking your procedure. We provide a free consultation with our experts in the UK so you will not have to worry about travelling to Turkey to be told you are unsuitable or that your expectations can’t be met.
We ensure that you benefit from the security and legal protection of booking your procedure from within the UK. You will not have to carry large amounts of cash to Turkey. We also give you the chance to meet our patients. Due to our 100% satisfaction rating online, we have many patients who are willing to talk to you to share their experience. We offer a range of packages to suit your needs and budget. We have three standard packages which are charged in Pounds Sterling and can create custom packages on an individual basis.
We cater to your needs. We make it simple and easy to choose between the service level you wish for. We will give you confidence in your hair transplant procedure and remove any fear or doubt that may have stopped you from having a hair transplant in Turkey. Simply have the security of booking your procedure in the UK, or be treated like a King with our VIP platinum package; the choice is yours. To book a consultation please call 0208 088 2393 or contact us.
Lack of regulation. Turkey has become the international hub of hair transplant procedures. Patients travel from all over the world to take advantage of cheap prices and large sessions of FUE. There are over 200 clinics in Istanbul alone. The reason why there are so many clinics is that there is minimal regulation with regards to medical practices in Turkey. This means that it is relatively simple for anybody to set up clinic providing outpatient surgical procedures such as hair transplantation under local anaesthetic.
Although this encourages a competitive market place, the large majority of clinics show nowhere near the medical or ethical standards that we are accustomed to in the UK. The majority of clinics do not have a qualified surgeon carrying out any part of the procedure or even present in many cases. They may often advertise themselves as the surgeon and list their credentials but then have no part in the procedure and are often not even on the premises when your procedure is being carried out by technicians who may or may not have the required level of skill/experience to carry out your transplant to the optimal standard.
These technicians often have very low wages which in turn means a cheaper price for the patient. Almost every clinic insists on cash payments to avoid local taxes. Making a cash payment in Turkey will effect a patients legal/financial protection in the UK if they experience any dissatisfaction with the procedure or experience any medical problems as a result of the procedure. To achieve large graft numbers, many clinics also harvest hair from areas that aren't immune from DHT, such as the nape of the neck.
Capital Hair Restoration will ensure UK ethical and medical standards for your hair transplant in Turkey and will process your payment with a secure and safe UK booking for your financial protection. Whether you choose our Silver, Gold or Platinum package, these principles are adhered to for every patient. The surgeon/medical team who carry out your procedure meet the impeccable standards we insist upon and the same team will carry out each and every one of our patients procedures. To book a consultation or submit your enquiry call 0208 088 2393.
Because only the surgeon performs any extraction/incision into the body in the UK. This means that the progress of each hair transplant can be quite slow. In the UK, the surgeon will also only tend to have two technicians supporting them. Regular breaks are required due to fatigue and in general UK surgeons are reluctant to transplant more than 1500-1800 grafts in any single session of FUE. Due to a much larger team of staff carrying out each procedure in Turkey, the graft numbers can easily reach 4000+ for those patients with strong donor areas. Capital Hair Restoration ensure that the procedures undertaken by our Turkish team provide a great balance between large number of grafts and grafts that will permanently grow healthily and not only for a few years. To book a consultation please call 0208 088 2393.
It depends on who organised your transplant. One of the major problems with booking your hair transplant directly with a Turkish clinic is that there is very little support you can seek if you have any medical concerns or requirements once you are back home in the UK. Once you have returned home the duty of care the clinic has is over and other than giving you advice over email or you returning to Turkey at your expense, there is nothing you can do. The first two weeks post transplant are crucial to the long term result and we will be on hand locally to ensure that you receive all the care you need 24/7. By booking your procedure with Capital Hair Restoration, you will have access to our UK surgeon, medical team, trichologist and dermatologist back in the UK. This will give you confidence that you can travel to Turkey for your procedure and be looked after once you return with any service necessary. To enquire or book your free consultation please call 0208 088 2393
By booking your procedure with Capital Hair Restoration you will have insurance, security and peace of mind that we are responsible for any post treatment care in the UK as a result of your hair transplant procedure.
If you book with a Turkish clinic and are a UK citizen you will have no insurance to cover your procedure. You will have to take out travel Insurance if you wish to cover your stay in Turkey but most policies will only cover delays/cancellation of flights, lost luggage, accidents or hospital treatment and not the possible problems associated with a private cosmetic procedure. If you feel that the medical treatment you have had has been negligent this is not covered outside of the UK or EU.
Yes. There are well publicised political concerns in Turkey. Our hospital is located near to Ataturk airport and our packages do not have to involve any tourist activities. We can however assure you that Istanbul is as safe as any other European city. Our UK team are ready to travel with you as part of our Platinum package. They travel regularly to Istanbul and we have no concerns in taking you on sightseeing tours if you would like this included as part of your platinum package.
Start Your Journey with Capital Hair Restoration
Capital Hair Restoration facilitates FUE and FUT Hair Transplant procedures in London in Harley St, Manchester, Essex and Istanbul. We provide free, local consultations throughout the UK to advise you of the benefits and limitations of different hair restoration options and their associated costs.
After a full and comprehensive assessment, we will provide you with a treatment package proposal which most suits your needs and expectations.
Please fill in your details and submit your enquiry. We will aim to get back to you within four business hours. Alternatively, please call us on 020 8088 2393 to talk to one of our experts.
Really pleased with my results so far after 5 months, I have already recommended Capital Hair Restoration to a couple of my mates. Very professional.
– Ryan
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Really pleased with my results so far after 5 months, I have already recommended capital hair restoration to a couple of my mates. Very professional.
– Ryan
Really pleased with my results so far after 5 months, I have already recommended capital hair restoration to a couple of my mates. Very professional.
– Ryan
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Case Study
Andrew needed a sizeable transplant procedure and required our team who specialise in transplanting over 3500 grafts in a single session so that he could achieve his desired result with the minimum amount of down time. His donor hair was slightly weak so we designed a slightly higher hairline to reduce the overall transplant area which would ensure a good density throughout. The face to face consultation was imperative to prepare a plan to optimise Andrew’s results.
Procedure details
Procedure Type | FUE |
No of Grafts | 3,500 |
Starting Position on Norwood Scale | 5V |
Location of Treatment | Turkey |
Everything about the service was great! I was looked after well from the beginning to the end! I have a great head of hair now and receive compliments daily about it! I would advise using capital hair restoration to anyone who's thinking about getting a fuller head of hair!